Thursday, March 24, 2011

Good morning!

Do you ever wake up out of a deep sleep in the morning and feel extremely awake? That happens to me often but I usually go back to sleep. I'm a super sleeper. Really. I can sleep anywhere at any time. Although, I find that when I wake up for a second time, I don't feel as awake as the first time. So, I've started listening to my internal body clock and just getting up at whatever the hour is. Today it was 6:45 a.m. as Sean was getting ready to leave for work. 
Sean's a personal trainer at a local studio a few towns over. He does split shifts certain days in the week where he works in the early morning at one studio location and then in another location later in the afternoon into the evening. Thumbs down. The poor guy was exhausted already before even leaving. Hopefully he can nap later. Unlike me, Sean does not sleep very well and cannot fall asleep instantly. 
Embracing the early hour at which I awoke, I made some Snickerdoodle coffee, which was a birthday present from Sean's parents. Boy do the Mahers looooove their coffee! This stuff is good. Like, really good. In fact, there's hardly any left in my owl mug! (That was a great thrift store find!) 
While making the coffee, I noticed the light was perfect. I'm a sucker for good light, and, well, light in general. I'd call it a photographer thing. I notice natural lighting more often than one probably should. The way the blinds were making stripes against the wall were fantastic, so I grabbed my camera. 
It's not the greatest photo and I can pick out a few aperture kinks I'd like to sort out, (allowing for more stripes but not washing out the deer) but gimme a break, it was early! 
Anyway, I hope when you wake this morning if you haven't already that you enjoy some morning light (YAY SPRING!) and have a great day! 


  1. hello there! my boyfriend mentioned that he has that same owl mug at the beginning of your post! haha

    pleased to meet you, thank you for visiting my blog too xoxo

    love deer donna :)

  2. How fun!
    I found it at a local thrift store! It was included in a set of 8. I didn't really want alllll of them, so I was that girl who broke up the set. Oops! :D
